Buying Guide Fridge Freezers

Modern fridge freezers offer amazing food storage options, and so much more. Some models offer extra functionality, like those with ice and water dispensers. Then, there are American-style designs which are simply stunning and serve as a perfect focal point for your kitchen. Or, maybe you’re just interested in a simple, space-saving model?

Discover everything you could ever wish to know about fridge freezers, from information on sizes and styles, to energy efficiency and high-tech features. Our handy guide explains all the jargon to help you choose the best model for your home.


Types of Fridge Freezer

Choosing the right fridge freezer for your home is an important decision, but which type should you buy? Different models vary in their storage capacity, size, price, and features. By choosing an overall style first, you can narrow down your options and make buying the perfect appliance easy. 

Here, we explain all the common types of fridge freezer, from regular top and bottom models to American style and integrated units.

Freestanding Fridge Freezers

Freestanding fridge freezers are the most popular type, as well as being the cheapest and easiest to install. They consist of a top fridge unit and bottom freezer unit, although you can find models where these are the other way around.

Typically, they have a 200 to 300 litre capacity which is spread out over three or four fridge shelves, two or three freezer drawers, and door storage.

It’s also worth noting that American-style models are technically freestanding, as they’re not built into your kitchen units. But, the term ‘freestanding’ is mainly used to describe regular top and bottom models.

+ Advantages

Freestanding fridge freezers are much easier to install than integrated style and cheaper than American-style models. Your electricity bills are likely to be lower compared to other types too.

You can also take the unit with you easily if you decide to move house – which is more difficult with integrated or American style models.

Every brand has numerous models on offer, with a range of colours, sizes, and prices. You can also choose the ratio of fridge to freezer space, depending on whether you need to store more fresh or frozen food.

+ Disadvantages

The biggest disadvantage of freestanding models is that the lower priced options can be a bit a little basic in design. Also, you’re less likely to get handy features like frost- free technology and fast-chill functions – unless you go for a more expensive model.

Controls are often basic, with simple displays and manual thermostat dials. Freestanding models have much less storage space than American style models too.

+ Standard Sizes

Freestanding fridge freezers have a standard size of 55 to 65 cm width, 180 to 190 cm height, and 60 to 65 cm depth. Slightly shallower or taller models are available if you have limited floor space or want extra storage.

You can even find undercounter models that will fit under your kitchen worktops.

Integrated fridge freezers can be slimmer and more compact than standard models.

Integrated Fridge Freezers

Integrated or built-in fridge freezers are designed to be hidden by kitchen cupboards. This can help you achieve a streamlined and modern look in your kitchen.

+ Advantages

This fridge freezer style lets you maintain the look and feel of your kitchen. If you’ve recently had your kitchen redecorated, then you don’t have to worry about ruining the aesthetics. They can also be slimmer and more compact than standard models.

+ Disadvantages

The variety of integrated models available is much smaller than freestanding versions, and they’re also more expensive. Installation can be complicated, so you’ll probably want to ask the retailer or a professional to install it for you.

+ Door Styles

Not many people know that there are two different styles of door fitting for integrated designs: fixed/door-on-door or a sliding door. It’s important to pick the right style for your home as once attached, it can’t be switched.

A fixed/door-on-door fitting is where the kitchen cabinet door is attached to the fridge.

With a sliding door, the fridge door slots into a rail that’s fitted along the inside of the cabinet door. As the outside door opens, the fridge door slides along the rail.

+ Sizes

Integrated models are usually designed to fit inside a standard 60 cm wide cupboard. They have a depth of 60 to 65 cm and are typically 178 cm tall.

American Style Fridge Freezers

American style fridge freezers have grown in popularity due to their increased storage capacity and sleek modern finish.

They are sometimes known as side-by- side models because they’re usually split vertically – with one side being the fridge and the other the freezer. Other options are available, such as French doors covering two fridge sections, and two large freezer drawers below. Or, you could even have a four door unit with individual fridge and freezer sections.

This style, depending on its size, has a capacity of between 300 to 600 litres.

This is usually spread out over three or four fridge shelves, three freezer drawers and door shelves.

+ Advantages

The biggest advantage of this style is its much larger capacity, which can hold more fresh and frozen food than other types.

American-style fridge freezers come with a host of useful features such as frost-free freezer technology, digital displays, open door warnings, and chiller cabinets. Water and ice dispensers are usually included too.

Recently, more brands are creating Wi-Fi enabled appliances which can connect to an app. These offer a range of capabilities such as temperature control and checking your fridge’s contents on the go. Touchscreen displays are also starting to appear on high-end models. These act similarly to tablets, allowing you to shop for food, find recipes, and even be reminded of expiry dates.

Often in silver or black, modern American fridge freezers make a real statement in your kitchen. Inside, you’ll find numerous adjustable shelves and racks, so all your food can be accommodated – no matter its size. Handy door racks are ideal places for bottles or jugs, while covered door compartments will keep dairy produce cold, even when you have the door open.

You can also find features to help reduce unwanted odours by removing bacteria from the fridge. Some higher-spec models also feature smart diagnosis technology. This helps you find out what’s wrong with your appliance and provides you with easy solutions.

+ Disadvantages

Due to their increased size and range of features, American-style models can be a little pricier than conventional models.

They also take up a lot of space and can become your kitchen’s dominating feature. If you haven’t measured up your doorways accurately, you might have difficulties getting it inside the house.

These models aren’t quite as environmentally friendly, so you may find your electricity bills are higher after buying one. If you go for a model with a plumbed-in water dispenser, you may also need help when installing it, which can add extra cost.

The water dispenser will need its filters changing roughly every six months. Replacements can range in cost from £20 to over £90, so it’s worth checking prices before you invest.

+ Varying Sizes

American fridge freezers are a lot bigger than standard models. They can be more than 90 cm in width and are usually 70 cm in depth. You also need to factor in an extra 5 cm around the sides and back to give air room to circulate, so it’s important  to measure the placement area accurately. Height-wise, this type is generally 175 to 180 cm tall.

Size and Capacity

When buying a fridge freezer, the first thing to decide is how big you want it to be. Physical size is related to the space you have in your kitchen or garage. Capacity can vary depending on the size of your family, and how much fresh vs. frozen food you generally consume.

This section of our buyers guide explains everything from gross and net capacities, to door splits and external dimensions.

Door Splits:

70/30, 60/40 and 50/50

Fridge freezers are split into two separate compartments, and you can choose what split proportions you need depending on your food usage.

These are given as the percentage of space that’s given over to the fridge vs. the freezer. For example, a 70/30 model means the fridge door takes up 70% of the appliance, while the freezer has 30%.

If your family eats mostly fresh food, a 70/30 model will give you plenty of fridge storage. If you buy in bulk or cook meals in batches for later, then a 60/40 model or even a 50/50 style will give you extra freezer space. With some styles, you can also choose to have four freezer drawers instead of the typical three. Although 80/20 and 65/35 models do exist, they aren’t as commonly available.

Bear in mind that the split only refers to the door size, not the internal capacity of each compartment. Capacities in litres are a more accurate guide, but split ratios are a quick, easy way to know how much space you can expect for different types of food.

+ Fridge Freezer Capacity

How much internal space each compartment has is usually stated in the specification, so you can directly compare one model with another.

These capacities are given in litres, but make sure you’re comparing like-for-like, as you’ll often see capacities given in net and gross formats.

Gross volume is the total space inside the compartment. On the other hand, net capacity is the usable space you have after taking away what’s occupied by the shelves and condenser.

The amount of food you can store also depends on the number of shelves or drawers in each section.

Standard fridge freezers usually have a total capacity of between 200 and 300 litres, but larger American-style models can store up to 500-600 litres. Generally, models with larger external dimensions have larger internal capacities, but it isn’t always the case.

+ External Dimensions 

Whatever capacity you decide, it’s crucial to order a fridge freezer with the correct dimensions for your kitchen.

Remember that you’ll need extra space around the sides and back to allow for air to circulate. As a rule, allow 5 cm round the back, and 2 cm at the sides to make sure your unit doesn’t overheat.

If you have particularly narrow stairs, hallways, or door frames, you may struggle to fit in a large fridge freezer. It’s worth measuring these against the model you’re thinking of buying.

Storage Options 

When you’re on the lookout for a new fridge freezer, you need to consider your food storage needs. Would you benefit from multiple salad compartments to store extra fruit and vegetables? Or maybe you’d love an integrated bottle rack for your favourite drinks?

If you need a fridge freezer with a particular type of storage, you’ve come to the right place. Find out what options are available in this handy guide, to help you choose the best model for your family. 

+ Fridge Freezer Storage Capacity

First, you’ll need to decide on the best fridge freezer capacity for your needs.

Keep in mind that some models offer more interior storage than others of similar dimensions. It’s important to consider how much usable space there is, which is affected by the number of shelves, racks, and compartments on offer.

+ Fridge Compartment Storage

Modern fridge freezers don’t stop with simple flat shelves in the fridge. You’ll often find an array of useful sections and compartments.

+ Shelves

Many fridge freezers offer adjustable shelves, so you can tailor the space to suit your weekly shop. Most models have between two and five shelves, so you can select a unit to complement the amount of food you need to store.

Fridge shelves are usually made from safety glass, so you get a clear view of your food. These are often spill proof too, which prevent liquids from dripping further down the fridge. You may also find models with half width shelves, or shelves that can fold back for even more flexibility. Many fridge freezers offer adjustable shelves, so you can tailor the space to suit your weekly shop.

+ Bottle Racks

If you’re a wine connoisseur, or enjoy your fizzy drinks, then look for a model with an integrated bottle rack. These allow you to store bottles flat, which is more efficient, and if you’re storing wine, stops the corks drying out.

+ Salad Crispers

Most standard fridge freezers have a salad crisper or bin. This is a plastic drawer or compartment that’s specially designed to keep fruit and vegetables fresher for longer.

Some models offer an additional bin so you can separate your fruit from your veg.

With most high-tech versions, you can even adjust the humidity in the salad crisper to suit the food you’re storing.

+ Door Storage

Most fridge compartments have door shelves for storing smaller items such as cheese and eggs, or bottles in an upright position. Eggs often have their own rack, while some models also have covered sections in the door to keep food cold when the door is opened.

Some high-end models even feature a second door within the main door, for easy access to commonly used items. This Door- in-Door feature also saves energy, as less warm air will enter the inside of the fridge.

+ Chiller Compartments

Another feature to look for is a chiller compartment. This is similar to a salad crisper but designed to keep meat and fish just above freezing point – keeping them as fresh as possible.

+ Freezer Section Space

Most freezer compartments have up to three freezer drawers, with some larger models offering four or more. Often, you’ll find one drawer is bigger to accommodate bulkier food items.

If you like to stock up on frozen goods or freeze your leftovers for a later date, you’ll want a fridge freezer with a large frozen compartment.

If you go for a side-by-side American style fridge freezer, there’s usually even more space available. The freezer section in these models is often equipped with a combination of drawers and shelves.

Look out for a model with integrated ice storage if you’re a fan of cool drinks. This often comes in the form of a shallow tray at the top of the freezer – though some water dispenser models do also dispense crushed or cubed ice.

Food Freshness Features

We spend a fair amount of money on the food we love, so keeping it fresh for as long as possible is important.

Luckily, many fridge freezer manufacturers have developed technology to store your food in the perfect condition, preserving flavours and nutrients for longer.

Here, we cover these food freshness features, to help you decide on the best fridge freezer to suit your family.

+ Quick Chill

Many brands have created a handy quick chill function. This allows you to cool fresh food to the correct temperature quickly – at the flick of a switch.

The fridge compartment’s temperature is lowered temporarily, helping the food to retain nutrients and flavour, as well as preserving maximum freshness. This feature is particularly useful when you’ve just done your weekly shop. 

+ Fast Freeze

The fast freeze function works similarly to quick-chill but freezes fresh food quickly rather than simply chilling it. This locks in vitamins and taste, meaning your food will be fresher when you defrost it.

Food textures – like bread – are retained better if frozen at a quicker rate. So, you can stock up on bargains and essentials, knowing they’ll still taste great when defrosted. 

+ Flexible Temperature Zones

Some brands such as Blomberg have developed fridge freezer models with a special super fresh zone. This keeps food between 0 and 3°C, and the humidity at just the right level.

As a result, your meat, fish, fruit, and vegetables will retain taste, flavour, and freshness for up to twice as long.

+ Air Flow Cooling

Some fridge freezer models are equipped with advanced air flow cooling technology.

Vents in both the fridge and freezer compartments distribute air to maintain the correct temperature. This technology helps restore interior temperature as quickly as possible when the door has been opened.

Some models even feature a barrier of cold air which helps to maintain the cool temperature.

+ Antibacterial Seals

Antibacterial seals prevent bacteria from forming and entering, which keeps your fridge freezer hygienic, and your food fresher for longer.

Special compartments like chiller drawers and salad crispers also do their part in preserving your food. Look at our storage options section for more information.

+ Air Filters

Some models now feature air filters, which help circulate air while deodorising the fridge’s interior.

Water and Ice Dispensers 

Some fridge freezers come with handy water and ice dispensers. These let you enjoy filtered water quickly and easily, providing much-needed refreshment on a hot summer’s day.

While not a necessity, these dispensers can be a useful addition. In this section of our buying guide, we look at the pros and cons of plumbed, and non-plumbed versions, so you can make an informed choice.

+ Price

As with all things, the more bells and whistles that come with an appliance, the higher the price tag tends to be.

Water and ice dispensers are usually installed in more premium models. If you’re after a more basic design, it’s unlikely you’ll find one with this feature.

+ Style

A classic top and bottom fridge freezer rarely has a dispenser. You’ll find this feature more frequently on American side by side versions – as such, you’ll need to account for the appliance’s larger size, which is typically wider than traditional models.

+ Benefits of Filtering

Water dispenser fridge freezers are convenient, and one of the most significant benefits is that they filter your water.

Drinking filtered water prevents you from consuming contaminants, such as lead, that may exist in tap water. They can also remove chemicals like pesticides and chlorine, which can affect the taste and smell.

+ Plumbing VS Non-Plumbing

Most models that feature water dispensers must be plumbed in – i.e., hooked up to your water supply.

While this means you get an unlimited supply of freshly filtered water, there’s a little more hassle involved in appliance installation.

You may also need a professional plumber to install it, as it’s not a simple process, though most models come with an installation kit and instructions. You will also need a plumber if you want to position the appliance away from existing pipework.

If this sounds too complicated, choose a non-plumbed fridge freezer. This gives you complete freedom as to where you can position it if you can plug it into the electricity. It’s also much quicker and simpler to install.

However, you do have to refill the container inside a non-plumbed appliance – and on a hot day, you’ll have to wait for the water to chill after doing this.

After the initial installation process, plumbed water dispensers are much more convenient than non-plumbed, but both can provide chilled and filtered water when you need it.

Energy Efficiency

If you have a particularly old fridge freezer, investing in a newer model with modern features could improve energy efficiency by up to 25%. This means you’ll save money in long-term running costs and have less of an impact on the environment.

High-end brands have developed models with InstaView technology, which allows you to see some of your fridge’s contents without opening the door and letting in warm air.

Here are a few things to bear in mind if you’re looking to buy a new, efficient fridge freezer.

Energy Efficiency Rating

The first, and perhaps most obvious way of understanding a fridge freezer’s efficiency, is to check the energy efficiency rating.

The simplest way of narrowing down products for energy efficiency is to use the energy label. Thanks to EU regulations, every fridge freezer must have one of these displayed, so you can quickly tell an appliance’s grade.

In 2020, the UK introduced a new energy label. By spreading energy performance over a much wider scale, you will find it easier to compare efficiency across products. Plus, it will also set new standards for energy saving appliances, bringing further savings to you as well as meeting environmental commitments set by manufacturers and the Government.

The key changes across all product categories are:

  • QR Code - Providing instant access to product information
  • New Energy Classes - A simple A-G energy classification system
  • Simpler Consumption Usage - An easier way to understand energy consumption measurements

If you’ve had your fridge freezer for a while, there could be a big difference between your current model’s efficiency and newer versions.

It’s worth noting that many other factors can affect your fridge freezer’s efficiency. In some cases, a model with a higher rating may cost more to run than a lower rated model. However, the energy efficiency rating is a great starting point for you to compare different models.

+ Appliance Size

Bigger appliances typically cost more to run than smaller ones, as there’s more space to keep cool.

This means an A rated large fridge freezer could cost more to run than a smaller, B rated model. It’s worth considering the size of fridge freezer you need, so you’ll get the most efficient use out of the available space.

It’s also more efficient to keep your fridge freezer full. The more food you store inside, the less air that needs to be cooled again whenever the door is opened. However, if you keep it too full, air struggles to circulate, and the appliance must work harder to maintain the temperature. Finding a balance is important.

+ Holiday Mode

Holiday mode is a great way for your fridge freezer to save energy when you’re out of the house for a long period of time.

This works by keeping your appliance in a low-powered state. As you won’t be there to open the door and let in warm air, less energy is required to keep a cool interior. Your fridge will generally be much emptier while you’re away too.

Different appliances run holiday modes at different temperatures, but often they are slightly warmer than when running normally.

The most economical thing to do when you’re away, is to unplug your appliance completely. However, this is only viable if you’ve managed to clear it of all food before leaving.

+ Auto Frost

Condensation can often build up at the back of a fridge – and sometimes this can turn to ice.

Having a build-up of ice can affect an appliance’s working state significantly. It can also impact on how well your food is preserved, which changes the taste, texture, nutrients, and even the food’s use-by date.

Auto Defrost reduces this risk by melting any ice that forms around the cooling element, ensuring your appliance runs at maximum efficiency.

This is a common feature on modern fridge freezers, but it’s worth double checking when shopping for a new one.

+ Frost Free

Like the Auto Defrost feature, Frost Free helps to stop ice forming inside your freezer. Again, this ice can affect your appliance’s performance negatively. Ice can also take up room in the freezer, reducing the amount of food you can store.

In frost free freezers, a fan circulates dry air throughout the compartment – which prevents formation of ice crystals, without increasing the internal temperature.

+ Eco Mode

You may also find sustainable settings on your fridge freezer, which are designed to run it more economically. When Eco Mode is activated, the fridge reaches an efficient chilling temperature automatically. This feature is great for saving on energy bills and reducing your environmental impact.

+ Tips and Advice To Improve Efficiency

Buying an efficient fridge freezer is important, but you can also give it a helping hand. Here are a few things you can do to improve your appliance’s energy efficiency:

Keep it at optimum temperature - Don’t make the fridge freezer work harder than it must by overchilling your contents. Around -18°C for the freezer and 4°C for the fridge is ideal to keep all your food fresh and perfectly preserved, without wasting energy.
Avoid putting warm food in the freezer - Just cooked a delicious meal to enjoy later in the week? Let it cool first, as putting warm (or hot) food in a fridge freezer will raise the internal temperature, making the appliance work harder.
Shut the door - An obvious one, but it’s easy to forget to shut the fridge or freezer door, which allows warm air to enter. Helpfully, some models sound an alarm when the door’s been left open for too long.
Leave a gap - Leaving a few centimetres between the back of your appliance and the wall aids air circulation, helping it run more efficiently.
Maintain your appliance - If your new appliance doesn’t have the Auto Defrost and Frost Free features, you’ll need to monitor ice build-up and defrost your freezer regularly. You’ll also need to keep the door seals clean and in good condition, to prevent cold air escaping and warm air entering.

+ Worth The Cost?

So, you’ve invested in an economical fridge freezer, and optimised it to run as efficiently as possible. What can you expect to pay by running the appliance for a year?

These costs vary significantly, depending on your appliance’s features and energy efficiency rating. Buying a more expensive appliance could work out cheaper in the long run if it’s more efficient.

The most efficient new fridge freezers on the market cost around £25 to run annually, while the worst sit in the £90 region. That’s a potential saving of £65 every year.

Noise Levels 

If you like a peaceful home, choosing a quiet fridge freezer is important. Your appliance will be running all the time, and the last thing you want is to hear the compressor clicking on and off at night.

Silent fridge freezers don’t really exist yet, but you can find models that are super quiet.

Below, we’ve highlighted some of the common sounds these appliances make and why, to help you pick the right model for your home.

+ What Sounds To Expect?

Most fridge freezers emit a continuous noise, which is usually described as a humming sound. This comes from the running compressor, circulating coolant around the appliance.

In older models, you’ll occasionally hear a noise as the compressor turns on and off. However, some newer fridge freezers have compressors that work at different rates to suit the required temperature. This is to make the appliance more efficient by using less energy, and these models are often quieter.

Aside from humming, fridge freezers can make other normal running noises, such as cracking, ticking, creaking, and groaning. This is often caused by panels inside the appliance expanding and contracting due to changes in temperature.

Noises can also be caused by certain features of the appliance. For instance, some Beko fridge freezers have a defrost timer that clicks when it starts. 

+ Noisy or Quiet?

What’s quiet to some may be noisy to others – so, to help compare models more objectively, it can be useful to look at the noise level on the specification. This is given in decibels (dB).

The normal noise range for modern fridge freezers is 32 to 47 dB. Anything quieter than 40 dB is considered a quiet model, as this is the noise level of a library.

Occasionally, the stated sound level may be higher or lower than the reality. This could be because the appliance is working harder to keep everything cool, in which case improving its efficiency could help. Similarly, if the appliance is running very efficiently, it may be quieter than stated. In either case, the difference in sound is usually only a few decibels, so you’re unlikely to notice it. 

+ Helpful Sounds

Some models have a useful acoustic alarm that sounds should the door be left open too long.

This serves as a handy reminder to shut the door and is often loud enough to hear in another room – making sure your food stays fresh.

Other models have an alarm if the internal temperature gets too high.

Fridge Freezers Features

You might think fridge freezers are all quite similar, but there’s a lot of variety, with a huge range of different features available. Some add a little more convenience, while others completely change the way the appliance functions. 

+ Auto Defrost/Frost Free

Frost build-up is a problem with some fridge freezers as the ice takes up space and makes the appliance less efficient.

However, there are several features that can help with this. Auto defrost is a very common function, available on nearly all fridges.

Condensation can form at the back of your fridge and then freeze, potentially ruining your food. Auto defrost works by melting this frost and then draining the liquid.

Frost free is a freezer specific function that circulates air to prevent the build-up of ice in your freezer, so you won’t have to defrost it manually. It works independently from your fridge and maximises the potential freezing space. However, you may have to pay a little extra to buy a fridge with this technology.

Total frost free or no frost appliances have both features.

+ Lighting

Most fridge sections have a light to help you find the item you need. This lighting needs to be bright, reach its full intensity quickly, and remain cool.

Older models are often fitted with conventional light bulbs. They give out sufficient light, but often get hot, which isn’t efficient when maintaining the fridge freezer’s temperature. This type of bulb is no longer featured with new appliances, since more efficient technology has been developed.

Mid-range fridge freezers are often fitted with halogen lighting, which has a lifespan of 2,000 hours, compared to 1,000 for a conventional bulb. They’re also 36% brighter, 20% more energy efficient, and normally used for display lighting – so are ideal for illuminating your food.

The newest type of lighting is LED, which helps save you money by using 75% less energy. These bulbs achieve their full brightness quicker than others and have a huge lifespan of 50,000 hours. This style also remains cool to touch, helping to keep your fridge cold.

+ Controls and Thermostats

Fridge freezer controls also vary depending on the make, model, and price of your appliance.

Standard and older models generally have a basic control panel and single manual thermostat. This thermostat is used to control the power levels in both  sections of your fridge freezer, not the exact temperature. As a result, there is a risk that the temperature won’t be perfect in one of the sections. Basic operating buttons and lights will likely be located on the control panel, including an on/off switch and power-on light.

Mid-range models sometimes have electronic control panels, with some including a thermostat control. Lights to indicate what features are enabled may be present, alongside high temperature or  door-left-open lights and alarms. You might also find buttons to turn on quick-chill or fast-freeze options.

Top-of-the-range models often have twin thermostats, allowing you to control the temperature in both compartments precisely. Digital LED control displays let you alter other functions easily as well.

Brands such as LG and Samsung have developed models that allow you to change the temperature and humidity levels in different areas of your fridge. Some models even have drawers that can change into a freezer compartment at the push of a button.

+ Hygiene

For the hygiene-conscious, anti-bacterial finishes in your fridge freezer are a welcome addition.

Specially designed door seals kill germs and stop them entering the fridge. Some shelf linings also prevent bacteria from growing or odours forming if food should get spilt.

+ Reversible Doors

If your new fridge freezer hits a cupboard or another kitchen unit when you open the door, don’t worry. Some appliances can have their doors reversed so that they open the other way.

Location Location Location 

It’s becoming more common to place your fridge freezer in other places than the kitchen. However, where you place it is an important factor that can affect how the appliance performs. If you’re planning on putting one in a garage or outbuilding, it’s worth remembering that not all models can be kept in low temperature conditions.

Read on to find out which fridge freezer will match where you intend to keep it.

+ Hot and Cold Don't Mix

It might be obvious, but don’t put your fridge freezer next to anything that’s going to get hot. This includes cookers and radiators.

While modern fridge freezers have great insulation, as soon as you open the appliance door, hot air will rush in and raise the temperature. Not only does this affect your chilled and frozen food, but it also makes the appliance work harder to maintain a cold temperature. As such, the appliance is less economical and more costly to run.

Brands like LG have developed models which allow you to see some of your fridge’s contents without opening the door and letting in warm air. However, this is quite a recent development, so you can expect to pay extra for this feature.

+ Freestanding or Undercounter

The style of fridge freezer you pick will often dictate where you put it. Click here for more information on the shapes and designs that are available.

If you have a handy slot in your kitchen units or space at the end of your counter, an undercounter or freestanding appliance is ideal.

+ Inside or Out?

Most people purchase their fridge freezer to go in a kitchen or utility room inside their home. However, some households need more than one cooling appliance, but don’t have the space for an extra one.

If you have a garage, outbuilding or similar dry area with access to electricity, this can provide the perfect solution. However, before buying your new fridge freezer, you must make sure it can run in cold environments, as some don’t work when the exterior temperature is too cold.

This is because condensation can form on the outside, causing damage to the fridge freezer. Most appliances have a climate class, suggesting the lowest working temperatures. As this is often around the 10°C mark, keeping a fridge freezer in the garage is not really an option.

Luckily, some models can work in lower temperatures, such as those from Beko that have Freezer Guard technology. These models work at temperatures below freezing (0°C), even as low as -15°C.

If you’re after a backup fridge freezer to keep outside, check that it can operate in the colder UK temperatures.

Fridge Freezer Prices 

If you’re after a new fridge freezer, it’s worth doing some research to see what you can get for your money. This handy guide provides advice on how to find the ideal model at the right price.

+ Decide On Your Budget

Before you start comparison shopping, it’s important to have a clear idea what your budget is going to be.

Once you’ve decided, it’ll be easier to find a fridge freezer within your price range.

It’s usually worth spending a little more on a fridge freezer from a well-known brand, for added peace of mind. Spend some time reading online reviews to find out if a certain model is worth your cash.

There are some great value fridge freezers out there that won’t break the bank. Fridge freezer prices tend to range from £200 to more than £6,000 for a top-of-the-range model. Many people are happy with a cheaper model that does the job, but if you want lots of innovative features, you’ll need to part with a little more cash.

+ What Features Can I Expect?

If you’ve decided on a more expensive model, you can expect some or all the following features:

  • Larger capacity with more compartments
  • Frost free technology
  • Fast chill and fast freeze functions
  • Flexible temperature zones
  • Air flow technology to prevent odour transfer and maintain the temperature
  • Special modes, e.g., eco and holiday
  • Water and ice dispenser
  • Door alarm
  • Touch button LED display
  • Wi-Fi enabled features

Features will vary depending on the manufacturer and model, so it’s worth making a note of anything specific you want your fridge freezer to have.

The most expensive models tend to be side-by-side or American fridge freezers, which are particularly stylish and provide plenty of storage space.

+ Sales and Deals

If you can afford to wait, it’s worth buying your fridge freezer in a sale or as part of a promotional deal.

Some companies offer cashback or trade-in offers, which are worth checking out.

+ Other Things To Keep In Mind

Look for a model with a long guarantee, so you know you’re covered should anything go wrong.

Don’t forget to factor in delivery and old appliance disposal charges when calculating your budget. If you choose a built-in model, you’re likely to need professional installation.

Buying Guide - Fridge Freezers

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